Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Short Stories - 1893 Words
Irony, satire, parody, humor and epigrams are deeply connected by having one main thing in common: they are usually meant to hurt the intellectual self of someone. We use it in our everyday’s life to make fun of people, or simply because someone is annoying and we would like them to stop, without being â€Å"too†rude. Irony can be defined as a statement different from what appears to be true. It is an incongruity between what is expected to happen and what actually happens (Meyer, 286-287). In a lot of cases, irony is usually used to raise the readers interest by making the story or poem more unpredictable. In the poem â€Å"Suburban†by John Ciardi, the author approaches the reader with humor and irony. When Mrs. Friar phones Mr. Ciardi, saying:†¦show more content†¦It uses humor as an approach to improvement. In the poem â€Å"AD,†by Kenneth Fearing, a satire, which is an example of the literary art or ridiculing a folly or vice in an effort to expose or correct it. In the poem â€Å"AD,†the use of satires is evident. First, the author talks about what the government wants. Let’s take note of the word wants. When you keep reading the poem, you realize that the government isn’t really picky about the qualities a man possess, which could make most peo ple that are looking for a job, either happy of if you have it, or unhappy, if you don’t; until finally you come to a realization, that anyone is qualified to take this job, there is no special skills that you need, because at the end, you are the one that end up paying†¦with the ultimate sacrifice: life. Another satire, less intense and actually very funny, can be found in â€Å"Will and Grace, Dolls and Dolls,†where one of the characters gets addicted to pain killers. Pain killers are powerful and dangerous drugs. We all know how dangerous drugs can be, and what they can do to our mind and body. In â€Å"Dolls and Dolls,†the author emphasizes on the dangers in a satiric kind of way; he makes fun of the way our society views drugs†¦ its fine to be on drugs as long as they are prescribed, even if they are as dangerous as the illegal ones. It points to what drugs do to you, changing your life destroying your inner self. It can also be anShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Characteristics †¢Short - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a single impression or effect.  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing personal experiences and prior knowledge to the story. 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The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of events
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Modern Anti Cruelty Laws For The United States - 1647 Words
The rights of animals have been battled over for generations. Humans began t o domesticate animals such as dogs, goats, chickens, sheep, and beasts of burden between 10,000 and 18,000 years ago. Many people originally believed that because animals had no souls they also felt no pain; however, this belief changed as the study of animals increased. The first animal-protection law in western civilization was adopted in 1641; making it illegal to â€Å"exercise any Tirranny or Crueltie towards any bruite Creature which are usuallie kept for man’s use.†(7) In 1789, the English philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, was the first to state that animals have rights. This concept was different from the belief that animals felt pain, in his claims animals deserved basic human rights. This new theory shook the foundation of many peoples belief in what animal rights truly is. In 1821, Maine became the first state to adopt modern anti-cruelty laws for the U.S.; every other state eventually passed similar legislation. It still wasn’t until the 21st century that lawsuits in the interest of animals became common. The animal rights movement has become most active in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Animal rights organizations have been using court systems to protect animals from being used in harmful activities, such as the agricultural industry and as being research subjects, in the belief that they have the same basic rights as all humans. Animals have been usedShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing (Speech Outline)1200 Words  | 5 Pagesuntil half the test subjects died. brb. This example to me personally represents the epitome of cruelty by modern science toward animals. br br(Transition: Now that I have explained the cruel injustices of animals in the past, let us now look at how these problems are solved today.) br brII. One of the ways animals are now protected is through laws and organizations. br1. One such important law that was signed in 1966 was the Animal Welfare Act that regulates the treatment of animals in researchRead MorePolicy Identification And Explanation Of The Ag Gag Law1411 Words  | 6 PagesPolicy Identification and Explanation The policy I am researching is the Ag Gag law which was enacted in Idaho in 2014. Idaho code 18-7042 â€Å"INTERFERENCE WITH AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION†states that a person commits the crime of interference with agricultural production if the person knowingly: is not employed by an agricultural production facility and enters an agricultural production facility, obtains records of an agricultural production facility, or obtains employment by force, threat, misrepresentationRead MoreAnimal Cruelty And Animal Abuse879 Words  | 4 Pages Animal Abuse is when someone hurts an animal or does not care for the animal responsibly. It’s against the law to hard or be cruel to animals. It’s also called animal cruelty. The topic is going to be over is animal abuse. There’s a lot of people against animal abuse. A lot of researchers try to find a way to stop animal abuse. The FBI is conducting an investigation to find out a way to serve justice to those that abuse animals. Animal abuse has been going on for a very long time now and it needRead MoreThe Fight Against Animal Testing1456 Words  | 6 Pagesthat has been around for thousands of years. Early Green philosophers such as Aristotle and Erasistratus performed experiments on animals as early as 384 BC (Hajar). Though the way animals are used in experimentation has varied over the years, the modern definition of animal is an experiment that deliberately harms a live animal (â€Å"What Is Animal Testing?†). Animals have been used for the purpos e of biomedical research and to understand anatomy all throughout history. Nowadays, some of the uses ofRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Animal Welfare Movement Essay1727 Words  | 7 PagesBritain with the passage stating an act in 1835 to consolidate and amend the several laws relating to the cruelty and improper treatment of animals. In 1911 the Parliament passed the â€Å"Protection of Animals Act, and it is still enforced currently. This policy was established while permitting humans to use animals as test subjects, but making animals suffer in this way is unnecessary (Guither, 1998). In the United States alone it is estimated that over twenty-six million animals are used for testing.Read More Animal Testing (speech Outline) Essay989 Words  | 4 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This example to me personally represents the epitome of cruelty by modern science toward animals. (Transition: Now that I have explained the cruel injustices of animals in the past, let us now look at how these problems are solved today.) II.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One of the ways animals are now protected is through laws and organizations. 1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One such important law that was signed in 1966 was the Animal Welfare Act that regulates the treatmentRead MoreThe Debate On Animal Rights910 Words  | 4 Pagescreated in the image of God. The Greek philosopher Aristotle based his opinions on the idea that animals did not have the ability to reason and so they were below humans (Taylor, 2009). Rene Descartes, a French philosopher who is known as the father of modern philosophy, had a tremendous influence on the animal rights debate and his opinions are still being quoted today in papers and books on the subject. Descartes believed that man was linked to God through his mind which was separate from the physicalRead MoreAn American Ideal Of Equality Is Not An America At All.1501 Words  | 7 Pages An America without equality is not an America at all. The common American citizen would say that the definition of equality is; Equal rights among all people. Equality is also defined as the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability. A historical example that demonstrates the American ideal of equality is the court case Plessy Vs. Ferguson (1896). Plessy was arrested for riding in a white-only seat for being an African-American citizen riding inRead MoreModern Day Genocide1278 Words  | 5 PagesModern Day Genocide Humiliated, beaten, and neglected; an entire group of people are constantly under abuse. They must hide from their own government in fear of death. The citizens expose their neighbors in order to create a more perfect country. No documentation exists that outlaws the violence towards these people. Their leaders do not want to recognize that they have any existence. All of this is happening while surrounding countries sit idle and wait for a resolution to happen. When hearingRead MoreThe Jim Crow Laws Enhanced The Institution Of Racism1034 Words  | 5 PagesThe Jim Crow Laws enhanced the institution of racism in The United States. Reconstruction was meant to rebuild the South from the destructive Civil War and help integrate African American’s into the southern lifestyle. Instead, the Jim Crow Laws segregated colored people from white people and encouraged the discrimination of colored people. Subject to the pervasive reign of terror by the Klu Klux Klan, stripped of their political and civil rights by white state legislatures and white judiciaries
Implementationin Information Technology and Management
Question: Discuss about the Implementationin Information Technology and Management. Answer: Introduction Information system is known an organized system that is used for the collection, organization storage and communication of information. According to Stair and Reynolds (2013), it can also be defined as the study of complementary networks that people and organization can use to collect, filter process, develop and distribute data. It is a combination of hardware, software, infrastructure and trained people to facilitate planning, coordination and decision making in an organization. As mentioned by Cassidy (2016), there are several types of information system that are available such as transaction processing systems, decision support system, office support system, transaction supporting system and management information system. All of these information systems are useful for a business organization. Such as transaction processing system that is capable to provide a way to collect, process, display or cancel transactions (Braglia and Frosolini 2014). On the other hand, decision support system that helps to make decisions by working and analyzing data that can produce arithmetical projections and data models. However, management information system is suggested for McDonalds. Management information system is a unique information system that mostly collects data by the transaction processing system. This data is then used to develop reports in a way that managers can use it to make regular business related decisions. This system is exceptionally useful to deal with organizational problems. This system also increases efficiency of managerial activities. Further in this report, a complete description is provided about management information system along with its importance. It is also mentioned that how this system help McDonald. Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of MIS is also mentioned in this report along with its challenges and solutions. Management Information System (MIS) Management information system delivers knowledge that business companies require to manage themselves effectively. MIS are typical computer systems that are used for managing and organizing a company. According to Choudhary (2015), the five main components of MIS are hardware, software, data (required for decision making method), procedures (design, establishment and documentation) and people (individual employees, teams or organization). This system is different from other information systems as they are used to scrutinize and assist tactical and equipped behavior. Rationally, the term management information system is mainly used to submit to the study of how employees, teams or companies assess, design, supervise and utilize systems to develop information to enhance competence and efficacy of decision making. The idea of MIS has changed enormously over a phase of time comprising many different facets of the organizational meaning. In its preliminary days, the concept of MIS was to route the information available in the organization. Then that data was obtainable in the shape of reports at continuous intervals. MIS was competent of dealing with the data from the level of compilation to dispensation. This concept was later customized by adding a distinction between data and information. Information is known as a product of an analysis of data. This perception is analogous to a raw material and the completed goods (Ma and Ji 2014). Those information can be analyzed in a several ways, generating diverse shades and stipulation of the information as a product. It was, therefore, demanded that MIS should be more individual-oriented so that each employee can have dissimilar orientation towards the information. Later this notion was further changed in a way that I can present information in a different form and format. This different form can develop an impression on its user, infuriating a judgment or an examination. It was understood that some type of discerning step was essential in the system to better study and exposure. Hence, the new conception of exemption exposure was included in MIS. After that the concept of MIS was further developed so that the system can become able of managing requirement based exclusion coverage. This need may either of an individual or a group of people. Importance of MIS for McDonalds Management information systems are extremely important, especially in hospitality and tourism industry. For an organization like McDonalds, the use of MIS is principally focused on the following areas. Flow of information organization-wide: McDonalds is a customer-focused company. MIS can provide a big picture regarding the overall organization wide information. MIS will make sure that updated and strategically necessary information can be generated in the form of data and reports (Choudhary 2015). Decision-making process: Out of management information system can be found in the form of reports. These reports can be used by the management of McDonalds in the decision making process. It will also help McDonalds to prepare itself strategically for the upcoming business venture. Managerial control and scrutiny: According to Braglia and Frosolini (2014), properly formulated, incorporated and centrally consolidated data and knowledge can help a manager with an insight regarding the entire administrative process. MIS does the same job as it helps the managers to have a strong control over the managerial activities and methods. Computer dependant systems: As management information system is a computer based system, it can help McDonald to provide swift and efficient service to its customers (Ma and Ji 2014). Through MIS, employees and managers will be able to gain real time information about the organization. It will help the management of McDonalds to cater to the needs of the customers. Some other advantages that McDonalds will have through MIS are mentioned below. MIS will help the organization to identify its weaknesses through the presence of revenue report, sales report and employee performance report. As the management will get real time strategic report, the management will be able to tap the opportunities at the real time. Besides, it will also help to address the weaknesses which will give the organization a competitive advantage. MIS will help to minimize or eliminate delays and ineffectiveness in the handling of the customers. It will be done as an updated report will be available for the organization related to the taste and preference of the customers. Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) In MIS System development lifecycle is referred to as the relevance development-life cycle. It is a phrase used in systems engineering and software engineering to portray a method for planning, developing, testing and deploying an information system (Gupta and Laxmi 2015). System development life cycle of MIS is mentioned below that will help the management of McDonalds to successfully implement the system in the workplace. SDLC will start with a written request which is called as system request which will figure out the needs of an IS. It will also describe the changes or improvements by the management concern. This request could be either minor or major. A minor request can ask for adding a new report of altering an existing evaluation formula. On the other hand, major report will involve the development of an entire information system which will meet the requirements of a new business need. Preliminary investigation is also called as feasibility study that helps to define the business related problems and opportunities. It will also decide whether or not a new system is required, while spending minimum amount of money and time (Bano and Zowghi 2013). Three major aspects of feasibility study are technical feasibility, economic feasibility and operational feasibility. Within technical feasibility, it will be discussed whether the project can be done by using existing equipments or not. Economic feasibility will decide whether there are sufficient amount of benefits in developing the system. Operational feasibility will identify whether the system will used if it is developed and implemented. It will also identify that whether the end users will show any kind f resistance while using this system. The major activities of feasibility study are shown in the table below. Name of the Phase Feasibility Study Important functions To describe problems and opportunities and identify whether or not MIS is feasible. Output Feasibility Study Major tools Techniques related to fact-gathering and estimation of requirements. Tasks of individuals The analyst will collect information related to the problems and opportunities The analyst will develop probable estimates of necessities for probable solutions. More clear estimates will be established by the analyst for the next analysis phase. Management will decide whether they will continue the project or not. Table 1: Steps and tasks of Feasibility Study (Source: Wakchaure and Joshi 2015) Analysis of the system Purpose of this phase is to learn how the existing system is operating. It will help to determine and document what the system is capable to do in order to recommend proper solutions. After gathering the facts, software team will analyze them carefully. This method is called as requirement analysis. After the development of an alternative plan is done, then the end product for this phase comes which is system requirement documents. It will help the management and the users to understand the alternative plan. Based on the documents, the management will develop a system in-house or will purchase a commercial package or will modify the current system. Steps and tasks of this phase are mentioned in the table below. Phase Name Analysis Main Function To identify the requirements of MIS Output Specification of the problems Primary Tools Techniques for fact-gathering, data flow diagrams, system models, system flow charting, data dictionary and Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) for implementing these above mentioned tools. Tasks of individuals Current system will be studied and results will be documented by the analyst. It will help to understand its issues and its strong points. A list of requirements will be then developed for the new system which is MIS. A diagram of the functions for the new system will be drawn. In the end, the analyst can develop a prototype of the system. Table 2: Steps and tasks of Analysis (Source: Sadagopan 2014) Designing the system The main purpose of this stage is to develop a blueprint that will satisfy all the mentioned requirements. Within this phase, all the necessary outputs, files, inputs and application programs will identified along with manual procedures. According to dos Santos et al. (2016), this phase can include the scheming internal and external controls such as computer related and manual features. It will ensure that the system will become dependable, precise, protected and maintainable. Then the design will be documented in the system design requirement which will be presented to the management and users for their reviews and support. The steps and tasks within this phase are hereby shown in the table below. Name of the Phase Design Primary functions To design a new system (MIS) that will fulfill the requirements of users and the management. Output Specification of the Design Primary tools HIPO Charts, data models, data vocabulary, data models, system models and input and output blueprint forms. For implementing these tools, using of CASE is also necessary in this stage. Tasks of individuals All the required hardware and software will be ordered by the analyst. Functional diagram will be altered by the analyst into hierarchical diagrams of the design step. Then the safety measures will be incorporated into the design of the system y the analyst. User interface will be designed by the analyst. It will include input and output formats. Analyst will decide staffing necessities including design methods and work flow. In the next step, proper database should be developed by the database engineer. Specifications and settings of the system will be then reviewed by the users, managers and analyst. They will make sure that the system is accurate. Table 3: Steps and tasks for design (Source: dos Santos et al. 2016) During this stage, MIS will be developed and put in place. Programs of application will be noted, tested and saved. Documents related to the operation and methods will be completed. Management of the organization and users will approve this system. Within the final preparation, the users will be guided about the changes in the new system that is different from the old system. Once the system is ready to use, an assessment will be conducted to figure out overall quality of the information system (Alizarchik and Lukashevich 2015). The management can also use post-implementation system evaluation test to ensure the system is properly operating and its costs are within anticipation. The steps of this phase are hereby mentioned in the table below. Name of phase Implementation Main function To note down and test the computer programs. To transform the older system (computerized or manual) into a new system Output Fully coded and tested programs that are verified by the management and users. Training materials along with documents for users. Main tools Several tools for programmer, structured walkthroughs, computerized weakening testing, application generators, fourth generation languages along with CASE to implement the tools. Tasks The preparation of the site and installation of the required equipments will be monitored by the analyst. The analyst will supervise the testing and correction of the programs and prototype. The new program will be noted down by the analyst. If necessary then the new supporting programs will be bought. The analyst will plan to test the program. The testing team developed by the analyst will test the program. The analyst will then supervise and plan conversation. The programmers will be asked to install the program. The data entry staff will then enter fresh and new data into the new system. Table 4: Steps and tasks for implementation (Source: Wakchaure and Joshi 2015) Operation and assistance to the system (Maintenance) After the implementation stage, the new MIS is ready to be used by the users. During the system operation, maintenance and improvements must be requested to deal with any problem that is identified by the users. After several years of operation, this new MIS must be changed. Maintenance changes are made to eliminate the errors or to conform to government or user demands. Improvements will be modified which will increase capability and accuracy such as delivering new information in an existing report (Wakchaure and Joshi 2015). It can also add a new report after improvement. Steps of this phase 5 are hereby mentioned below. Name of the Phase Maintenance Primary functions To restore and upgrade the system as per requirement. Output Updated and upgraded system and user documentation along with revised program. Main tools Incremental models that will include data dictionary, data models, data flow diagrams, system flow charts, HIPO charts and input-output design forms. CASE products will be required along with application generators and fourth generation languages to use the mentioned tools. Tasks of individuals An end user will notify the analyst about a problem. Then the analyst will develop an incremental model that will assess the impact of the modification. Management along with the board that control any type of change in the organization will decide if the system will be upgraded or not. If the change in the system is approved by the higher authority, then the analyst will improve the system and document all the change. The programmers will test the program. Table 5: Steps and tasks for maintenance (Source: Karim 2016) Probable Challenges of MIS The challenges related to MIS are divided into three factors which are humanistic, organizational and environmental. One of the major problems is lack of knowledge of the managers along with the users as they have no idea about what they want and what information needs are. On the other hand, if the designers cannot properly understand the needs of the users, then they will not be able to develop a user friendly system. Besides, if the managers do not have ample amount of information about the collaboration method with the designer team, then expected system will not be developed. Lack of knowledge of most of the analysts and programmers with new system work atmosphere can also be another challenge (Karim 2016). Last but not the least, if the collected data is not accurate, it will create problems while developing the problem. Organizational factors If the managers, users and system directors are not willing to participate and collaborate then it would be a problem. If the existing manual systems are not consistent and are complex then developing a new system will take a lot of time. It is important to analyze the method before designing the system. If it does not take place, then the development of the system will become complex. Besides, if the organization does not have ample amount of workforce in the management and computer fields then testing will not be done properly. Environmental factors The biggest challenge within this factor is the lack of proper consultants for scheming the system and software. Absence procedures and methodology and stages of developing the system can also hamper the installation of the new system. According to Alizarchik and Lukashevich (2015), it is important to evaluate environmental aspects in MIS. If it is not done, then the system will not work properly. However, over all of this, it is important for the management to provide adequate investment for developing this system. If proper amount of investment is not done, then system will not work as per expectation of the management. Solutions of the Challenges A comprehensive plan must be developed for using information systems in the organization, before using MIS. It will help the employees to learn how information system works. The organization will have to hire skillful and efficient employees who have knowledge about the information system. Existing employees must be encouraged to learn to use information systems. Managers and employees will be using the system must participate in the system creating process. It will allow them to understand the new system from its initial stages. Conclusion In the end, it can be concluded that management information system has a strategic role in an organization that is operating within hospitality industry. It can help to develop products, services and capabilities that will allow an organization to have major advantages over competitive forces it faces in the global market. McDonalds is currently facing immense competition from companies such as KFC, Dominoz, Pizzahut, Burgerking and Subway. Therefore, it can be said that installing MIS will allow McDonalds to deal with its market competitors. However, from the entire discussion, it is also clear that installed MIS should be flexible enough to deal with altering information need of the organization. Designing MIS is obviously a complex task. Therefore, the analyst and programmers will face several challenges. It is the duty of the host organization to provide every type of support to the analyst and programmers so that they can develop a flexible MIS. In short, flexible MIS can only b e achieved if the MIS is planned. Planned means, the development team knows and understand the requirements of the organization. Another important advantage of MIS is its decision support system which is also described in the report. Therefore, it is expected that MIS will fulfill the nee of the organization and will help it to take critical business decisions. However, installing MIS will not solve all the problems. It is possible that for some time it will work properly. However, with the changing demand of the customers the organization will have to change its strategies. In this scenario, MIS must be upgraded and updated. Otherwise it will not provide expected results. References Alizarchik, S. and Lukashevich, A., 2015. Breakfast at MCDonalds or how to survive in the global marketplace. https://cdo.bseu.by:8080/bitstream/edoc/23762/1/Alizarchik,%20S.,%20Lukashevich,%20A..pdf Bano, M. and Zowghi, D., 2013, April. User involvement in software development and system success: a systematic literature review. 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