Monday, December 30, 2019
My Opinion About Video Games - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 725 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/05/07 Category Entertainment Essay Level High school Topics: Video Games Essay Did you like this example? Have you ever thought how video game wasted your time ?, while you couldve done something more important, In my opinion I think that video games should be banned, because video games cause health problems to us, and also video games affect us socially, and some video games could make us violent, and most of the video games cost much money. Video games should be banned because of health problems, video games affect badly on our health, video games cause vision problems, your eyes can be hurt badly from screens, including glare and low screen contrast forcing your eyes to work harder than usual, including headaches, blurred vision, and even nearsightedness if you didnt take some break from playing, in addition when kids addicts at playing video games they spend a lot of time playing and when they are focused on playing they blink much less frequently this reduced blinking affect the flow of tears, and sometimes result in dryness and irritation. Did you know that video games cause obesity, more than 1 in 7 children are overweight because of the video games, the video games decrease the physical activity that children make, so when they eat a lot of food they go to play video games they dont make some physical activity which leads to obesity? Also, video games can result in poor hygiene, when someone is playing for a long time and they dont care to be clean they just want to play, that causes diseases because the person doesnt shower for weeks or months, also not brushing your teeth for a long time can lead to teeth issues and plaque buildup, Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "My Opinion About Video Games" essay for you Create order Video games should be banned because of violence, some video games lead to violence, there are video games that the players go to battle and kill other players, which lead to violence, in Germany, an 18-year-old man who killed nine people in July 2016 was a fan of first-person shooter video games, and some video games contain a lot of blood scenes, and video games lead to aggressive behavior, also Violent video games cause school shootings, increases in bullying, violent video games reward the player for doing violent things like killing other players in them, so it encourages them to be violent, also when a person plays violent video games since his childhood when he grows up he may become a criminal and the imitates the violence in the video games at real people in streets or anywhere. Video games should be banned because of the social problems that it causes, video games cause serious psychological problems, depression, anxiety, social phobia, poor grades at school. Video games make the gamer have poorer grades at school, because when the person spends a lot of time at playing video games but doesnt care to study because the is busy buy playing video games so his grades will be low. Also addicted gamers they neglect their relationships with people and with their families and friends, which result in disappearing of their relationships with the people, when a person addicted they will have a lack of social interaction and this lack can have consequences, an addictive teenager will not develop social skills which will help him with his relationships with the people. Video games should be banned because it costs a lot of money, video games cost so much money that you dont feel yourself when you are spending, because when you are addicted to gaming you just want to buy new games so you can complete your gaming career, some games have something called DLC, a DLC is a downloadable content for the game so you can complete the story of the game or you get new things and gear, some DLC really cost a lot of money because when you see the trailer of the DLC you be attracted to buy it. ( Ark survival evolved) is a game that costs $59.99, and has two DLC, both DLSs cost $19.99. Overwatch costs $59.99, so if you bought a lot of games you would waste your money on something that doesnt benefit you, while you could spend that money on something more useful. At last, video games should be banned, because video games cause health problems to us, and also video games affect us socially, and some video games could make us violent, and most of the video games cost much money.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Essay about The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave and job protection for childbirth, adoption or foster care; to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, or parent; or for an employee’s own serious illness (Caà ±as Sondak, 2011). It also requires that their group health benefits remain intact during the unpaid leave of absence. The employee must have worked for the employer for at least a year and must have earned 1,250 hours of service during the previous 12 months ((Caà ±as Sondak, 2011, pg. 70). According to the U. S. Department of Labor, FMLA is designed to help employees balance their work and family responsibilities and it seeks to promote equal employment opportunity for†¦show more content†¦If the request for use of family and medical leave is for a family member of the employee, in addition to the items listed above, it must also include: a statement from the person’s health care provider the type of assistance required from the employee; and a statement from the employee on the care he or she will provide and an estimation of the amount of time needed to care for his or her spouse, son, daughter, or parent. To remain entitled to family and medical leave, the employee or the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent must comply with the organization’s request to submit to a medical examination to obtain a second medical certification from a health care provider other that the individual’s own health provider. The organization can also require subsequent medical recertification from the health provider if there is reason to suspect the original medical certification has changed. The employee is protected when he or she returns from family and medical leave.Show MoreRelatedThe Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)1236 Words  | 5 PagesSituation A. The Family Medical Leave Act, deals with the laws regarding â€Å"eligible†employees taking off up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave for their childs birth, adopting a child, taking care of an ill family member, or if they themselves have a serious health condition (Vikesland, 2006). In order to be considered an eligible employee, you must work for a company that employs at least fifty people, have worked there for a year and have worked a minimum of 1,250 hours in that year. â€Å"The employeeRead MoreEssay about The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) 1904 Words  | 8 PagesThe balancing act of family and work can be very difficult at times. At some point in everyone’s life, he or she will need to take time off of work to deal with family matters. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 was created to help employees find a balance between the challenging demands of work and home. This Act allows eligible workers that require time off for person al reasons or family emergencies up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave. During the 1992 presidential campaign, GovernorRead MoreHuman Resource ( Hr ) Departments988 Words  | 4 Pageswill discuss the Family and Medical Leave Act and what it is able to provide for employees. The Law Public Law 103-3; 29 U.S.C. sec. 2601; 29 CFR 825, better known as the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), was put into effect on August 5, 1993. Interestingly, the FMLA was proposed to congress every year since 1984 but was blocked repeatedly. Finally, the FMLA passed with bipartisan agreement through the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate on February 3 and 4, 1993 respectivelyRead MoreFamily And Medical Leave Act959 Words  | 4 PagesPrior to 1993, the United States did not have any legislation that gave employees leave time in case of family or medical emergencies. The only exception was the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1979 that required employers that offered temporary disability programs to cover pregnancy as a disability (â€Å"History of the FMLA Legislation,†n.d.) In early 1993, Congress passed the FMLA and President Bill Clinton signed it, putting into effect in August 1993. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) grantsRead MoreBusiness Law : Labor And Employment Law891 Words  | 4 Pagesmay not violate any federal acts. The federal acts that will be considered are the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Each given situation will be reviewed and analyzed to determine if any violations of these acts have occurred. Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 In situation A, a two-year veteran of Company X utilized FMLA for 11 weeks of unpaid leave following the premature birthRead MoreAnalysis of the Amended Family and Medical Leave Act Essay852 Words  | 4 PagesOn August 5, 1993 the amended Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), was intended to help employees have a work life balance. This accomplishment placed the United Stated ahead of major barriers for the fair labor laws. Before having the amended FMLA put into place, employees were rarely granted job protection for caring for newborns, relatives and personal medical illness. With the new amended act, it allowed employees to take a leave of absence from their job and allowed protection from beingRead MoreEssay on Family and Medical Leave Act762 Words  | 4 Pages Family and Medical Leave Act      On August 5, 1993, the Family and Medical Leave Act became effective for most of the employers and employees covered by the act. The FMLA is designed to help employees balance their work and family responsibilities by allowing them to take reasonable unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons, including serious health conditions that prevent the employee from working. Not only has the FMLA evolved over the years, but also the current application in theRead MoreFmla - What You Need to Know937 Words  | 4 PagesTHE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW The Family and Medical Leave Act – What You Need To Know The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) became public law on February 5, 1993. Its purpose is to grant family and temporary medical leave under certain circumstances that will allow the employee to balance the demands of their job with the needs of their families. Some examples of eligible leave are: for the birth or adoption of a child, to care for an (eligible)Read MoreEssay about Family and Medical Leave Act (Fmla)885 Words  | 4 PagesFamily and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) What is Family and Medical leave Act (FMLA)? The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) that was passed in 1993, is a national policy that grants workers up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave in four situations. These four situations are for pregnancy; to care for an infant, such as newborns, newly-placed foster children, and adoptions; to care for a relative with a serious health condition; or to allow an employee to recover and recuperate from a personal seriousRead MoreLit1 Task 2 Essay1220 Words  | 5 Pages------------------------------------------------- SITUATION A FACTS OF CASE | FMLA GUIDELINES | RELATION OF FACTS TO GUIDELINES | Company has more than 75 employees | In order for employee to be eligible, company must have a minimum of 50 employees working within a 75 mile radius of the plant. | The company is covered and is required to abide by the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 when considering a leave request by an eligible employee. | Employee has been employed at the company for
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Communication Trends Free Essays
Delver Business communication plays a vital role in my day-to-day work activities as a hairstylist in someone else’s salon. For the most part, I use electronic communicating options like the smartened, multimedia messages, email, and instant messages. Communicating effectively with my clientele by keeping these lines of communication open is what I depend on to keep track of my clients and they can keep track of me. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication Trends or any similar topic only for you Order Now I use my smartened as the sole source of communicating with my clients. They can call me during a certain time frame, they can request appointments, through email and text, and they can always request their appointment times over my voice mail. Once my clientele make contact with me, I then set there appointment right to my calendars. I use my smartened as my PDA, to take credit card payments and I can send my clients a receipt of their payments through text messaging or email. This trend in business communication has helped me cut back on buying office supplies and appointment books. I am more organized with my scheduling and I keep better track of my finances. Portable media players, and Pad’s, and social media have become the backbone of the Cosmetology field. Most hair stylists and salons can be found over the internet. We can order our products over the internet, and even do personal tutorials over the internet. The beauty industry has taken well to the latest software technology. The software has allowed salon owners to run their entire salon using communication technology; this is a huge milestone for hairdressers and salon owners. Most hairdressers, who are independent contractors, can operate their business inside someone else’s salon, pay the necessary payments and fees for the space and ammunition with their clientele on a one-on-one basis. Stylists can also showcase their skills and the styles they can do by posting them on their personal business websites, on social media, and they can shoot live videos that can be accessible to a large number of viewers. These forms of business communication is allowing hairstylists on all levels to be aspiring entrepreneurs and this wave of independent entrepreneurship is sending a strong message that entails being in cosmetology now means you are in a profession that is innovative with style trends but also innovative with business communications. How to cite Communication Trends, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
passage to india Essay Summary Example For Students
passage to india Essay Summary ?Science is moving at such a rapid speed these days, between cloning, genetherapy, miracle drugs, exotic therapies, etc. One of the most significant breakthroughscame in November 1998, when two separate researchers successfully isolated stemcells from human embryos and aborted fetuses. Stem cells are primordial cells of ahuman organism, which are capable of becoming all or most of the 210 different kindsof tissues in the human body. Stem cells have been defined as not fully differentiatedyet to be any particular type of tissue or cell. They range from totipotent, i.e. ( theearly stages of the human embryo up to about 4 days after conception.) To pluripotent I.e. (a bit older and therefore only capable of being some cells or tissues in thebody.) As in the 5-7 day blastocyst stage of the early embryo, with decreasingcapacity in later stages of fetal development and in human beings. The impassioned hopes are that these stem cells can be used to greatadvantages. The cautious fears are th at innocent and vulnerable human beings aredestroyed, and needlessly so, in the process. The debates are raging. Many people are confused about what stem cell researchreally is, and wonder why all the fuss. There are several well documented and well-articulated sources of information available on this issue already, so the following is abrief overview of some of the major scientific, ethical, pros and cons. For centuries humanity has been plagued with numerous diseases, such as theblack plague, Cancer, AIDS, and other diseases. These horrific, dreaded diseaseshave killed millions of people due to doctors or scientists not having a cure, but thanksto a scientific and medical breakthrough these diseases can and will be a thing of thepast. With this new research scientists are hoping to gain important scientificknowledge about embryonic development and its application to related fields; curingdebilitating diseases, e.g., Parkinsons, Alzheimers, diabetes, stroke, spinal cordinjuries, bone diseases, etc.; and screening drugs for pharmaceutical companies,instead of having to r ely on animal models. In order to continue with these medical and scientific breakthroughs you have toaccept the right-to-life argument in its most extreme form.Im talking about newlyformed embryos. These are not fetuses with tiny little waving hands and feet.Theseare microscopic groupings of a few differentiated cells. There is nothing human about them, except potential, and only if you choose to believe it, a soul. However, Bush isblocking, stem cell research would not actually take the life of a single embryo. Researchers would only use embryos that are being discarded anyway.1I understand that some people and pro lifers say that stem cell research ismurder. But I strongly fell that it is ethically acceptable even morally required todestroy a few human beings in order to possibly benefit millions of patients. Besides,these cells do not cause the same immuno-incompatibility problems aftertransplantation as do adult stem cells from different patients. Further, these early cellsf rom human embryos and fetuses are MORE totipotent and pluripotent than adultstem cells, and therefore they can be coaxed to become more different kinds oftissues, and can last longer in culture awaiting use. Besides, these fetuses and left-over IVF-produced human embryos are going to die anyway, so we might as well getsome good use out of them.1 Researchers believe that stem cells can mimic theactions and activitiesof nearly every other cell in the body. Eventually, scientists hope to usethem to repair damaged hearts after heart attacks, regenerate liversdevastated by cirrhosis or viral disease, reconstruct damaged joints, orseed the brain with fresh neurons to reverse the effects of Parkinsonsand Lou Gehrigs disease, according to the November issue of TechnologyReview, a research magazine published by the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, or MIT. 2 Now for every good there is a bad, and with all this technology there has to be anegative side, after all everything with medicatio n and medical research has its sideeffects, and thousands of people in the world feel that stem cell research is morallyand ethically wrong regardless of what stem cell research promises, as well as all theside effects that come along with stem cell research. Here are just some of the sideeffects or things that are wrong or unethical.First, one minor complication is that use of human embryonic stem cells requireslifelong use of drugs to prevent rejection of the tissue. Second, another more serious disadvantage is that using embryonic stem cells canproduce tumors from rapid growth when injected into adult patients. A third disadvantage: the March 8, 2001 New England Journal of Medicine reportedtragic side effects from an experiment involving the insertion of fetal brain cells into thebrains of Parkinsons disease patients. Results included uncontrollable movements:writhing twisting head jerking, arm-flailing and constant chewing. One man can nolonger eat and now requires a feeding tub e. Fourth, a recent report in the Journal Science reported that mice cloned from ESC weregenetically defective. This is particularly relevant. If human ESC are also geneticallyunstable, that could materially compromise efforts to transform cells extracted fromembryos into successful medical therapies. Fifth and finally, the research may be hampered because many of the existing stem celllines were grown with the help of mouse cells. These mouse cells were needed toenhance their growth. If any of this research is to turn into treatments, it will needapproval from the FDA, which requires special safeguards to prevent transmission ofanimal diseases to people. It is unclear how many of these cell lines were developedwith the safeguards in place. This of course leads to a whole host of problems relatedto transgenic issues. Upon receiving this assignment I was asked to form my own opinion, and I willadmit I did not know much about this subject, but after doing all the research andfinding t he Pros and the Cons, and my decision is a difficult one to make. I am definitely against human cloning (most cloning in fact) because of theserious ethical concerns. .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f , .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f .postImageUrl , .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f , .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f:hover , .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f:visited , .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f:active { border:0!important; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f:active , .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9c0be686ab63e32ecec7070ef285711f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Down Syndrome: An Informative EssayFor one thing, I dont advocate striking Stem Cell research because we simply dontknow enough about it. We need that research to help answer some questions. If it isgoing to create ethical problems or revolutionize medicine then weve got to know oneway or the other, and the only way to do that is by researching more. The federalgovernment is the key to answering this question by providing funding for researchifthe US doesnt go ahead with it, other nations will. We do know that stem cells are the cluster of cells formed within days after conception. After a few days, they go from being blank slates to growing into various organs. Someof them become skin cells and others the brain and others still the heart, etc. With miceand Chimps, we have taken their stem cells and injected them into dying organs. Amazing things have happened: dying hearts have become brand new, brain damagehas been repaired and more. Then in 1998 this same thing was done in humans. Experts predict that it will be used to cure parkinsons, Alzheimers, brain disease, skincancer, huntingtons diseasein other words it could change everything for the better. Im not sure what kind of ethical problems would arise. I mean, the only issue iswhether you are killing an unborn baby; the whole abortion thing, and I dont think thatit applies. These stem cells come from embryos that are either discarded by theparents already or are grown in the lab specifically to do research on without thepotential for full life. Furthermore, these are blank slate cells, its not like you can groworgans or humans out of them. What they do in the lab is they inject them into dyingorgans and the cells replace the dying ones in that given organ. You cannot groworgans with stem cells from scratch, John Hopkins tried and failed six months ago. Thatwould be cloning and this is not cloning. Given all of the benefits involved and the real unknowns I think the federal governmentmust fund it. Maybe it wi ll fail, maybe it will be successful, but how can we ever know ifwe dont try researching it? 1. Time, 06/25/2001, vol. 157 Issue 25, p80. ( Kinsley, Michael)2.,,PTID4859|CHID5|CIID1138414,00.html paragraph 6
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Ozzy Osbourne The Ozz Man Cometh free essay sample
The Ozz Man Cometh, the latest OzzyOsbourne CD, really hit it big in my mind. I like this CD because I canput it on track 2, and listen to it all the way through. I dont have toswitch from song to song like other CDs; every song isawesome. Ozzys songs have a lot of meaning, and thats whatmusic is all about. Its not about being a pimp, or losing your Chevypick-up truck. Track 3, Goodbye to Romance, has to be one ofthe best. It has great guitar all the way through. This song reminds myfamily and me of a cousin we lost in a car accident this past spring.Ozzy wrote this song to say good-bye to Black Sabbath. Track 11,No More Tears, is also a good song. It gets me pumped up todo activities or sports, such as basketball or rollerblading. The songis very heavy and distorted, but then when the guitar solo hits, itsalmost as if its a slow musical; as the solo fades out, the song getsheavy again. We will write a custom essay sample on Ozzy Osbourne: The Ozz Man Cometh or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These two tracks would have to be my personalfavorites. But others are good, too. The Ozz Man Cometh is aCD with some of Ozzys favorite songs from his other albums. Anyone whodoesnt have it needs to go out and get it as soon as possible.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on The Two Places I Have Lived
The Two Places I Have Lived Fort Huachuca Arizona, and Lilburn Georgia are very different places. There are differences in the weather, the outdoors, and the people of these two places I have lived. Fort Huachuca is in the Extreme south east corner of Arizona, close to New Mexico and the country of Mexico. Lilburn is about 20 minutes north east of Atlanta Georgia. For the most part, the Weather in Fort Huachuca Arizona was very hot, dry, and sunny almost all year long. When it rained, it rained a lot but that only happened a few times a year. Do you know that little dark red oval they show on the weather channel in the south east part of the country when they are telling the national weather? That’s where Fort Huachuca Arizona is. During the very long summer season, 110Â ° was almost a daily occurrence. We thought it as a relief when the temperature dropped below a hundred. Granted it was a dry heat, it was still quite warm in that part of Arizona. As little kids, my brothers and I would crack eggs on dark colored cars and they would cook in 20 minutes. Every once in a while, between two and four times a year it rained. I liked when it rained cause it was so unusual. It always rained a good amount when it did so flash floods were common. The weather in Georgia was considerably different. Summer months offered some of the same heat as Arizona but sacrificed a few degrees for some heavy humidity. The spring and fall offered some cool temperatures along with some warm days, depending on the particular front at that time. Georgia winters were bad. I went from 70 or 80 degree winters to 15 and 20 degrees. It can get very cold in Lilburn Georgia. Every winter I spent there we received cumulatively at least a foot of snow. Another great difference is that it always seemed to be raining in Lilburn. It didn’t rain quite as much as it does in Pensacola, but far more than it ... Free Essays on The Two Places I Have Lived Free Essays on The Two Places I Have Lived The Two Places I Have Lived Fort Huachuca Arizona, and Lilburn Georgia are very different places. There are differences in the weather, the outdoors, and the people of these two places I have lived. Fort Huachuca is in the Extreme south east corner of Arizona, close to New Mexico and the country of Mexico. Lilburn is about 20 minutes north east of Atlanta Georgia. For the most part, the Weather in Fort Huachuca Arizona was very hot, dry, and sunny almost all year long. When it rained, it rained a lot but that only happened a few times a year. Do you know that little dark red oval they show on the weather channel in the south east part of the country when they are telling the national weather? That’s where Fort Huachuca Arizona is. During the very long summer season, 110Â ° was almost a daily occurrence. We thought it as a relief when the temperature dropped below a hundred. Granted it was a dry heat, it was still quite warm in that part of Arizona. As little kids, my brothers and I would crack eggs on dark colored cars and they would cook in 20 minutes. Every once in a while, between two and four times a year it rained. I liked when it rained cause it was so unusual. It always rained a good amount when it did so flash floods were common. The weather in Georgia was considerably different. Summer months offered some of the same heat as Arizona but sacrificed a few degrees for some heavy humidity. The spring and fall offered some cool temperatures along with some warm days, depending on the particular front at that time. Georgia winters were bad. I went from 70 or 80 degree winters to 15 and 20 degrees. It can get very cold in Lilburn Georgia. Every winter I spent there we received cumulatively at least a foot of snow. Another great difference is that it always seemed to be raining in Lilburn. It didn’t rain quite as much as it does in Pensacola, but far more than it ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Starbucks marketing report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Starbucks marketing report - Essay Example Effective communication with employees, customers and vendors is increasing the brand reputation of Starbucks in global market (Pride & Ferrell, 2011). The organization follows environmental rules and regulations of several countries in order to avoid legal challenges. Legal Employment rules and regulations differ from country to country. Restriction on maximum working hours and minimum wage rate need to be considered by the organization in several countries to continue its business operations (Allen, 2012). Lastly, strabucks need to follow health and safety standards to maintain effective work environment. Starbucks SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis of Starbucks will help to determine Starbuck’s internal strengths, weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. Strengths Stable earnings and revenue of Starbucks is major strength of the organization. The organization is ahead of its several potential competitors in terms of financial profitability and strengths. It is the most l eading and recognizable brand within global coffeehouse industry. Effective leadership strategy and innovative vision of Strabucks are one of the important assets of organization. Loyal customer base across the globe is the major competitive advantage. Effective location of retail stores based on market demand is the most successful business strategy of Starbucks. Effective brand extension strategy and high quality of products have increased customer preference. Weaknesses Aggressive business expansion strategy can lead to cannibalization. It can dilute the Starbucks experience. People are trying to consume healthy products. It has found out that several products of Starbucks contain high level of fat and...Moreover, the organization can implement Porter’s generic strategy to become the leading player based on several parameters, such as cost, focus and differentiation strategy. Positioning is another important strategy that can help marketing team of an organization to posit ion their products and services according to the market demand and customer preferences. Justification of Strategy Adoption Starbucks need to focus on marketing mix strategy and Porter’s generic strategy to improve their business performance and reduce competitive threats. It is true that the organization implemented niche marketing strategy (Mangold, 2010). Recent economic slowdown forced global customers to purchase less and save more. Therefore, it is important for the organization to revise the pricing of products through effective marketing mix strategy. On the other hand, implementation of Porter’s cost leadership generic strategy will help the organization to control operation cost. They need to introduce new products for the people of middle class income level. Moreover, they need to implement competitive pricing strategy for the products. This strategy will help the organization to introduce competitive priced products.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why do I want to be a teacher Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Why do I want to be a teacher - Essay Example In turn this will help the students to gain an insight into what is right and wrong and thereby become more careful in their decision making in their academic, personal life and all future endeavors. In addition to the learning environment, teachers play a vital role in shaping the personality of their students apart from teaching the subject and hence play a dual role of both an educator as well as a counselor. They share a special bonding with the student as they play the role of a parent in this second family. Teachers must take an interest in the academic and personal life of every student which would help them to find the right solutions in case of any problem. Mere teaching of the subject would only be a professional approach which will not create a bond between the teacher and the student. Spending quality time with all the students and an unbiased attitude would help the students to share a good comrade with their teachers. Nevertheless it is also important for the teacher to also bear in mind the limits of their relationship and also help the student to understand the same. When such an understanding is established it will prevent each one from taking advantage of the other.
Monday, November 18, 2019
The world was created by God Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The world was created by God - Term Paper Example In addition, there is no one being that has the power and skill to create the world. The Jainas contend that, if God were truly omnipresent and omniscient as claimed by the Naiyayika, then he would have to be everywhere and would require adsorbing himself to everything. Everything would have to be adsorbed to into his own self also, which would not leave anything to exist outside of him. His omniscient nature would also make him have the ability to experience hell since he would know everything and the knowledge he would have would be a direct experience. Therefore, his omnipresent and omniscient presence is put into question. The Jainas also contend that, a spiritual God would not have the ability to create material things because he had no raw material to do this. This argument posits that claiming the raw material rose naturally was to err because this would mean that the whole world might as well have created itself and come to be naturally in a similar way (Van Voorst 134). From this argument, the Jainas seem to contend that understanding the world as being the cause of an effect is difficult since if effect is taken to mean the world is made of parts, even space would, in this case, have to be regarded as having been an effect of God’s creation. If this effect were to mean that something that did not exist before being the result of a cause with coherence, it is not possible to talk of the world as being the effect of the creative ability of God because all atoms have been there since the beginning. In addition, if it means that God created things that are liable to being changed over time, then it should be argued that God was and still is liable to being changed. God would also need a creator who would create him and that creator would need another creator to create him and on and on. From the Jainas argument, such kind of creation would cause infinite regress. Finally, the Jainas contend that if God was complete and perfect prior to creating the world, the will to create the world would never have arisen in him, and if he were not perfect, he would not have the ability to create the world anymore than a potter would (Van Voorst 134). The view of God as an all-embracing and formless also renders him unable to create the world because he would have no desire to form or create anything. The Jainas contend that if God would have to be imperfect because he would have to possess the intelligence of humans. If this was not the case and God’s intelligence was only similar to that of humans, he would still have to possess a body because all intelligent beings in the world have bodies. Embodied intelligence is necessary if God should have the ability to produce a will. God would also not have gained any advantage from creating the universe since he is perfect as well (Van Voorst 134). According to the Jaina, it is unnecessary to assume a first-cause or a creator because there must also be a being who led to the first cause. F or the Jainas, it is more probable and logical to assume that the world has always existed and that it has gone through many changes (Jain 45). Nature and not a deity or God drives these changes, which also led to the Jainas not having any stories to explain creation. The world and everything that is in it, including motion principles, time, soul, space, and
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Life Of Edvard Grieg Music Essay
The Life Of Edvard Grieg Music Essay When thinking of the great musical traditions that abound in Europe, it could probably be expected that the main influential cultures that have contributed to these musical traditions are the Germans, Italians, French, and English. From Bach to Brahms and everyone in between, these four cultures seemed to have generated the greatest of composers. Thus, it wouldnt be expected that a man from Norway, a country not at all noted for their musical prowess or persuasion, would produce a composer of the highest quality. But from Norway, a man named Edvard Grieg proved that other parts and cultures of Europe could also fashion composers of the highest quality and contribute to Europes great musical traditions. Born on June 15, 1843, Edvard Grieg was born into a successful merchant family who traded dried fish and lobster across the North Sea. His father helped run the family business and his mother was regarded as the best piano teacher in their hometown of Bergen. Since he was not the eldest son, he had the ability to pursue his interests in music and not worry about carrying on the family business as much as his older brother did. From early on, he displayed much interest in music, with his mother teaching him to play the piano from age six. Grieg would explore different tunes on his own for hours on the piano, though not always the most disciplined of students. He much preferred exploring and improvising his own sounds on the instrument than sticking to the regimented piano method set by his mother. However, despite the certain amount of reluctance, he excelled in his music studies and continued on the path that he was truly destined to become an artist. Studying music may have been a chore for the young musician, but he had a greater disdain for his other studies in school. When he was ten years old, Grieg was enrolled at the Tanks School, one of the leading schools at the time with strict and demanding expectations. He would try to find any and every excuse to avoid going to school. During the summer, the family would go to their estate far out in the countryside, which made the daily travel to school even farther. Grieg would sometimes also have to trek in rainy weather, something that he learned to embrace rather than dislike. Students who showed up wet to class were often dismissed so they could return home to change. Its been said that Grieg, in an attempt to avoid school, would sometimes stand under a gutter so as to become much more wet in a lot less time. The trick initially proved effective until the teacher realized that one student was always more wet than the others especially when there hardly was any rain. Generally, his grades were less than satisfactory. However, when the teacher had asked one time who had composed a work called Requiem, the young Grieg immediately answered, Mozart. The class was astounded that this student, who rarely spoke up in class, knew the answer that no one else even heard of, earning him the nickname Mosak. It was obvious where his interests were. At the familys countryside estate during the summer of 1858, Grieg met the Norwegian violin virtuoso Ole Bull, who was close friends and actually a relative by marriage to Griegs parents. During the visit, Grieg performed for the violinist which included some pieces the young composer wrote. At the conclusion of the performance, Ole Bulls expression turned serious and went to speak with Griegs parents. When he returned, Ole Bull was thrilled to announce to Grieg that his parents agreed to allow the youngster to attend the Leipzig Conservatory. This moment, Grieg later recalled, was the single most important event in his life. In the autumn of 1858, Edvard Grieg, then only 15 years old, ended his education in Norway and went to the Leipzig Conservatory in Germany to study music. The Conservatory was founded in 1843 by Felix Mendelsohn, and was reckoned to be the best and most modern conservatory in Europe. Even though Grieg had always aspired to become an artist, he had to adapt to this new environment especially coming from a small city like Bergen to a European metropolis with narrow streets, tall buildings and crowds of people. Due to homesickness and language-problems, Grieg initially had some difficulties adjusting to his new home, but eventually, he became very comfortable in this new place. His teachers were among the most eminent in Europe: Ignaz Moscheles in piano (also the director of the Conservatory at the time), Carl Reinecke in composition, and Moritz Hauptmann, whom Edvard Grieg had the greatest respect for. During his stay in Leipzig, Edvard Grieg came in contact with the best of Europes music traditions. He first studied the works of Mozart and Beethoven, but also the compositions of contemporary composers such as Mendelsohn, Schumann, and Wagner. Grieg enjoyed the numerous concerts and recitals given in Leipzig. He disliked the discipline of the Conservatory course of study, yet he still achieved very good grades in most areas, an exception being the organ, which was mandatory for piano students. In the spring of 1860, he contracted pleuritt, a form of tuberculosis, which affected him for the rest of his life. His left lung collapsed, which made his back bend and greatly reduced his lung-capacity. Nevertheless, the following year, on August 18, 1861, he made his debut as a concert pianist, in Karlshamn, Sweden. He graduated from the Conservatory with excellent marks in 1862 and left as a full-fledged musician and composer. His first concert after graduating was held in his home town of Bergen, which included a performance of Beethovens Pathà ©tique Sonata. Among other works performed at this concert was his String Quartet in D-minor, a work that has disappeared without a trace. Griegs goal was to compose Norwegian music, but as a realist, he knew that he had to go abroad to get in contact with an environment that could aide him in developing as a composer. In the years up to 1866, Grieg lived in Copenhagen, Denmark, the only Scandinavian city with a rich cultural life on an international level, leaving it only to make brief study trips. In Copenhagen, there were other composers like Niels W. Gade, Emil Hornemann, Winding, and Mathison-Hansen. Probably the most inspirational to Grieg was Niels W. Gade. After having composed his only piano sonata and his first violin sonata, he took them to Gade for his opinion. Its been said that when Gade was really inspired, he drank great amounts of water. That day, the old maestro emptied four huge decanters. Gade encouraged Grieg to compose a symphony. The work was performed several times, but Grieg later refused to acknowledge it. Never to be performed, were the words he wrote on the score. However, it eventually was rediscovered in the twentieth century and performed again, and it was even recorded. This fruit of Griegs early years was certainly nothing to be ashamed of, and it provides todays listeners with a broader view of the composers artistic and musical development. The symphony displays Griegs considerable technical skill, and new works naturally poured forth from his creativity. Griegs style was based on the German romantic tradition of music, but eventually, national awareness developed within him, coupled with a growing need to create a typical Norwegian style of music. This further developed through his friendships and discussions with other young composers from Norway. While in Copenhagen, Grieg met another Norwegian composer named Rikard Nordraak, who had a huge impact on Griegs evolution towards becoming a composer of Norwegian music. Nordraak is probably best remembered as being the composer of Norways national anthem. As a composer, he had not attained Griegs level, but he had strong views on how to create music based on the old folk melodies. Even though Grieg was the one with the most solid background from a Conservatory, he looked up to Nordraak as his idol. Nordraaks enthusiasm for everything Norwegian was passed on to Grieg. Grieg later said about Nordraak: He opened my eyes for the importance in music that isnt music. Nordraak died in 1866, and Grieg composed a funeral march in his honor. Grieg met several other people in Copenhagen that became his lifelong friends, the most important being his first cousin, Nina Hagerup. They had grown up together in Bergen, but Nina moved with her family to Copenhagen when she was eight years. Nina was an excellent pianist, but it was her beautiful voice that truly captivated Grieg. Ninas mother was an instructor at the theatre and may perhaps be one of the reasons why Nina became famous for the interpretation and performance of texts instead of being purely technical. The couple fell in love and was secretly engaged in 1864. This engagement was not well received by either family. Griegs father warned his son against the commitments of starting a family. He felt Grieg couldnt support a wife and family when his income came from conducting, performing, and composing. Ninas mother was much harsher. She said Grieg had nothing, cannot do anything, and makes music nobody cares to listen to. In the spring of 1865, they officially announced their engagement, and on this occasion, Grieg presented to his fiancà ©e four songs he composed for her with texts by their good friend, Hans Christian Andersen (Melodies of the Heart, Op. 5). In spite of the true love between Edvard and Nina, both of their parents were not present at the couples wedding on the June 11, 1867. The Griegs went from Copenhagen to Kristiania (known today as Oslo) in order to participate in the building of a Norwegian environment for music in the Norwegian capital. During this time, Grieg was influenced by the composer Otto Winter-Hjelm. Winter-Hjelm saw clearly how the elements of folk music could be used to create a national type of music along more impressive lines. Another influential composer was Ludvig Mathias Lindeman, whose collection of Norwegian folk melodies formed an important basis for Griegs further development. Later, Grieg went in search of folk music in its native environment. The written notes of folk music could not reproduce the special atmosphere and the almost magical rhythms and harmonies that the folk musicians created live from their instruments. Their time in Kristiania (known today as Oslo) also became a period of hard labor, both concerning the establishing of a Norwegian musical life and concerning their daily income. The familys income came from the various jobs Grieg took as a conductor and piano teacher. Also, their daughter Alexandra was born on the April 10, 1868. The same year, Grieg composed his brilliant Piano Concerto in A Minor, during a stay in Denmark. With the passing of time, the Piano Concerto has become almost synonymous with Norway. It has become part of the piano music repertoire and is frequently performed throughout the world. The concerto has the ability to call to mind strong associations with Norway in both performers and the audience. Though patterned to some extent on European models, Grieg has succeeded in bringing these together with elements of Norwegian folk music and his own personal conceptions of Norwegian nature and the Norwegian character. His musical style has become identical to the Norwegian intonation. This masterpiece became Griegs final breakthrough as a composer, and after this performance, he was considered as one of the greatest composers in his time. The concerto was first performed in the Casino Theater in Copenhagen on April 3, 1869, with Edmund Neupert as pianist and Holger Simon Pauli as conductor. Grieg himself was unable to be there due to conducting commitments in Kristiania. The joy of the success as a composer was short-lived when on May 21, 1869, their daughter Alexandra died from meningitis while visiting their family in Bergen. The fact that they no longer had a child could be the main reason why Edvard and Nina did not become a normal couple. Instead, they ended up as a two artists that travelled around Europe without a stable home. This situation became more apparent in 1875 when Griegs parents died. They now did not even have a home in Bergen to return to. In addition to this, Grieg felt that he had stagnated artistically. The situation reached a critical point in 1883 when Grieg left his wife. It was Griegs friend, Frants Beyer, who persuaded Grieg to reconcile with Nina, and they went to Rome in order to start the reconciling process. Frants Beyer also convinced Grieg that he needed a stable home, something to come home to after long tours abroad. Beyer helped Grieg to buy a place at Hop, in the outskirts of his hometown Bergen, and in 1885, Edv ard and Nina Grieg moved into their villa at Troldhaugen. In 1868, Franz Liszt, who had not yet met Grieg, wrote a testimonial for him to the Norwegian Ministry of Education, which led to Grieg obtaining a travel grant. The two men met in Rome in 1870. On Griegs first visit, they went over Griegs Violin Sonata No. 1, which Liszt immensely enjoyed. On his second visit, in April, Grieg brought with him the manuscript of his Piano Concerto, which Liszt proceeded to sightread (including the orchestral arrangement). Liszts rendition impressed his audience, although Grieg gently pointed out to him that he played the first movement too quickly. Liszt also gave Grieg some advice on orchestration, for example, to give the melody of the second theme in the first movement to a solo trumpet. His encounter with Franz Liszt and the artistic circles in Rome gave him fresh inspiration and self-confidence. Fired with new energy and enthusiasm he returned to Kristiania in 1870, where he initiated a productive cooperation with Bjornstjerne Bjornson, who for many years had been waiting for a composer that could write Norwegian music brought life his poems and dramas. In 1871, the poem Before a Southern Convent (for soprano, contralto, ladies choir and orchestra) was the first fruit of this collaboration. Inspired by its success, Bjornson, in the same year, started on the dramatic poem Bergliot, which, with its rugged realism, inspired Grieg to attempt a far more daring musical language than previously. In the spring of 1872, Bjornson and Grieg presented the result of yet another cooperation, the scenic drama Sigurd Jorsalfar. The conscious search for national roots and identity in Nordic antiquity was continued in Olav Trygvason. The idea was to create a monumental musical drama, but Bjornson never completed more than the first three acts. The work remained a fragment, but Griegs music gives us some idea of what a magnificent national opera, and as well as perhaps a major opera composer, were lost. The project was abandoned, but Griegs dramatic talents were put to a new test when the playwright, Henrik Ibsen, asked him to write the incidental music to the play Peer Gynt. Edvard Grieg met Henrik Ibsen for the first time in Rome in 1866. Ibsen immediately felt that Edvard Grieg was an artist with unusual musical and intellectual capacities. He and Grieg had the same views on Ibsens famous drama Brand. This was one of the reasons Grieg was chosen when in 1874, Ibsen planned a staging of of the story of Peer Gynt with music. Grieg accepted the task and started immediately with great enthusiasm. But setting music to Peer Gynt was not as easy as he had thought it would be. On the February 24, 1876, the play was performed for the first time in the Kristiania Theater in Oslo and was an immediate success. Alongside the work with Peer Gynt, Grieg also set music to six poems by Ibsen (Op. 25). In 1888 and in 1893, Grieg published respectively the Peer Gynt Suite I and II, which contained the most popular melodies from the play Peer Gynt. These two suites are among the most played orchestral pieces in our time. Griegs later life brought him fame. In 1874, the Norwegian government awarded him a pension, and he could support himself without needing to teach or to conduct. He returned to his home town of Bergen. The framework now seemed ideal for a productive period in his life. Instead, it was a time of both personal and artistic crisis. A period of depression, and Griegs struggle to overcome it led, nevertheless, to the creation of profound and gripping works of a high quality. The ambitious Ballad in G minor for piano and string quartet reflects the turmoil in his soul and his struggle to perfect both form and content. On his many journeys in Europe, he met, and became a good friend of, other composers like Peter Tchaikovsky, Johannes Brahms, Franz Liszt, Frederic Delius, Camille Saint-Saens, Julius Rà ¶ntgen, Edward MacDowell, and more. He influenced other composers, such as Bela Bartok, Maurice Ravel, and Claude Debussy. In the spring 1903, Grieg made nine 78-rpm gramophone recordings of his piano music in Paris, which are still accessible today. Grieg also help to create live-recording player piano music rolls for the Welte-Mignon reproducing system, all of which survive today and can be heard. In 1906, he met the composer and pianist Percy Grainger in London. Grainger was a great admirer of Griegs music and a strong empathy was quickly established. In a 1907 interview, Grieg stated: I have written Norwegian Peasant Dances that no one in my country can play, and here comes this Australian who plays them as they ought to be played! He is a genius that we Scandinavians cannot do other than love. One September 4, 1907, at the age of 64 years old, Edvard Grieg died in Bergen after a long period of illness. His final words were said to be, Well, if it must be so. The funeral drew between 30,000 and 40,000 people out on the streets of his home town to honor him. Following his wish, his own Funeral March in memory of Rikard Nordraak was played in an orchestration by his friend Johan Halvorsen. In addition, the Funeral March movement from Chopins Piano Sonata No. 2 was played. His and his wifes ashes are entombed in a mountain crypt near his house, Troldhaugen. Griegs piano works are incredible teaching literature, and had maintained their prominent place in piano teaching throughout the entire first half of the 20th century. The encounter with Grieg for piano students can prove to be a strong and intense experience because to them, Griegs music is a new musical discovery. At Troldhaugen, a concert hall and museum was constructed in the composers honor. In the course of a single morning during the summer months, as many as 4,000 people from all over the world come to Troldhaugen, brought here by the desire to experience the music of Norways greatest composer. Concert performances of Griegs music have become an important part of Troldhaugen museums offerings to the public. The music of Grieg continues to captivate and inspire listeners around the world. His music has been infused in popular culture as well as in classical music halls. His unique blend of Norwegian folk song with the broader musical styles of Europe creates melodies and harmonies unlikely any other. Indeed, from Norway, a man named Edvard Grieg proved that other parts and cultures of Europe could in fact fashion composers of the highest quality. He truly was a composer of the highest quality and a first-class musician, forever to be remembered.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Duffys Feelings in War Photographer and Stealing :: Carol Ann Duffy War Photographer Stealing Essays
Duffy's Feelings in War Photographer and Stealing Explain how Carol Ann Duffy conveys her feelings towards the subjects of the two poems War Photographer and Stealing. 'War Photographer' and 'Stealing' by Carol Ann Duffy are both poems about outsiders. She often uses dramatic monologues when writing poems, and 'Stealing' is an effective example. 'War Photographer' was written after Duffy had a conversation with a war photographer named Don McCullin. I believe that he must have inspired her to write this laudable poem. 'Stealing' too is based on a true event. When Duffy lived in Wimbledon her neighbours snowman was stolen. The setting of this poem is established on the first line; this being in a 'dark room' where 'he is finally alone'. Because the setting is away from the action of the war, it describes the results indirectly so that it is less graphic, whereas 'Stealing' explores the psychology of an anonymous outsider with anti-social behaviour and feelings. Like 'War Photographer', 'Stealing' is about someone who is isolated from society and shows evidence of being distressed. However, in this poem, the narrator is the character and he is angry and resentful. In both of the poems she uses the expressions and speech rhythms of an everyday conversation. 'Stealing' starts with a question, 'The most unusual thing I ever stole?', which I think, makes the poem more interesting and intriguing for the readers as well as making it more conversational. The question is then answered with 'A snowman'. This is quite a shocking and unusual thing to steal and I believe this will grab the reader's interest. By making the poem more conversational, it makes it more personal and gets us more intrigued and makes us think about the unusual question at the start of the poem. This is effective as it makes the poem feel more realistic to the readers and conveys her feelings to the poem in a more personal manner. Both of the poems are about anonymous people. In 'War Photographer' the main character is identified as a man. Duffy portrays this man as an outsider. She refers to him as a 'priest preparing to intone a mass'. 'All flesh is grass' is another effective example of religious imagery. I believe it means that there was so much death where he was photographing that the grass was covered in bodies. It is also linked to the Bible as it is said to mean 'walking on death'. The use of religion in this poem has a strong link to Duffy as she is said to be a Catholic. This makes the poem more personal as it shows that
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