Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ozzy Osbourne The Ozz Man Cometh free essay sample

The Ozz Man Cometh, the latest OzzyOsbourne CD, really hit it big in my mind. I like this CD because I canput it on track 2, and listen to it all the way through. I dont have toswitch from song to song like other CDs; every song isawesome. Ozzys songs have a lot of meaning, and thats whatmusic is all about. Its not about being a pimp, or losing your Chevypick-up truck. Track 3, Goodbye to Romance, has to be one ofthe best. It has great guitar all the way through. This song reminds myfamily and me of a cousin we lost in a car accident this past spring.Ozzy wrote this song to say good-bye to Black Sabbath. Track 11,No More Tears, is also a good song. It gets me pumped up todo activities or sports, such as basketball or rollerblading. The songis very heavy and distorted, but then when the guitar solo hits, itsalmost as if its a slow musical; as the solo fades out, the song getsheavy again. We will write a custom essay sample on Ozzy Osbourne: The Ozz Man Cometh or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These two tracks would have to be my personalfavorites. But others are good, too. The Ozz Man Cometh is aCD with some of Ozzys favorite songs from his other albums. Anyone whodoesnt have it needs to go out and get it as soon as possible.

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